Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sing it, spylets!

A spylet in our Safe and Soundy Roundy mentioned to me that she was reading Spylets are Forever - yet another of the tales of Zaney Janey the Blonde and Brainy that has been stolen from me by Enemy Spy Jill Marshall.

Marshall Schmarshall. Marshy Marshmallow ... ohhh no, must not start to think of the Enemy Spy as sweet food, or I might even start to like her.

What's bitter? A pill! A nasty tablet. So that is the Enemy Spy: Jill the Pill. She makes old Copper Knickers look like a liddle cuddly puppy ...

Anyway, the mention of Spylets are Forever reminded me that there is one thing Jill the Pill did not manage to overhear with her SPI-Pod. She never knew that there is a whole SONG called Spylets are Forever, which I am going to record as a brilliant video starry star ( and might even add some of my raps to it, like a whole ALBUM!).

So, spylets, it occurred to me that some of you might want to record it too. Let the Enemy Spy know that we know something she doesn't. You can find the tune on Youtube or whatever (to the tune of Diamonds are Forever) and here are the words below my sign-off. Just for you sing-spies out there. Make a little video and let me know where I can see it! Be proud and loud, spylets!

G-Mamma, kiss kiss and an air hug.

Spylets are Forever

Spylets are Forever
They can transform in the Wower
Run at miles and miles an hour
They do missions at night
With permission to fight
Evil power ...

Spylets are Forever
Take a special one and train her
Give her gadgets to sustain her
Tie her pony-tail high
'Gainst the villains who try
To detain her ...

Give me Jane Blonde
For Jane Blonde is the spylet
From Fleet Feet to Girl Gauntlet
When all hopes gone
Jane Blonde spies on!

Spylets are forever
With their spy pets they determine
That Copper Knickers and his vermin
Never fulfills his aims
Rules the world, kills and maims,
Makes all serve him

Give me Jane Blonde
For Jane Blonde is the spy girl
Boz and Gina's and ... my girl
When all hope's gone
Jane Blonde spies on

Spylets are Forever, Forever, Forever
Spylets are Forever
And ever!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

new agent code name?

Oooo, Agent R, tell me what it is! Or is it super-duper TOP SECRET AND DON'T COME NEAR IT OR I WILL HAVE TO BEAT YOU WITH SOGGY BREAD STICK?

Not quite sure why it would be a soggy bread stick, except that I usually happen to have one to hand. A lovely baguette. Un French Loaf. A sticky-with-butter-wrapped-in-foil-ready-for-the-oven stick of garlic bread. Um UMMM.

Or is that just me?

Catcha laters, spylets. Have made myself hungry so am off to eat my latest weapon of choice - a Subway Foot Long.


The Mamma G Spike of Spikes
mwah mwah

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Bonjourno, dudettes and dudes of the spying type.

I have been briefed by Agent Y about an excellent code system worthy of the Blondette herself, and would like to try it out on you all. Something very similar was used in the book Goldenspy as stolen by Enemy Spy Jill Marshall, I believe, but this is a Very Important Message so I wanted to send ASAP (code for As Soon As Possible).

Here we go, spylios ...


16/3/19/10 ... 12/3/25/13 26/3 13/9/7/15/16/25/7/5/12 !!!

If you can work that one out, you are a brilliant spylet.

And if you can make up or find your own codes, you are a spylet supreme like Halo, Tish, and our own Agent Y! So why not send me your agent name, and any new codes you come up with. We always need new ones with Enemy Spies like the evil story-stealing Jill Marshall boinging up all over the place.

Here is a special rap to encourage you, Spimongous ones:

The codes hold the secrets
To keeping all the spylets
Nosy in the know
And there to help their bro'

So come on all you spy types
Make sure you get it just right
And send G-Mamma doughnuts
Whoops, sorry, I meant codelets.


Over and out, spyletti,


PS Pass this around to your fellow friends and spylets so we can create a Safe and Soundy Roundy (Spy ring to anyone else) to protect each other. You can use the little M below this to email it around to those who need to be Nosy in the Know. The Big G xxx

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spylets - briefing 4 U

Greetings SPI team, my united spyletti,

An eagle-eyed spylet among you pointed out that many of you are operating in DANGEROUS LOCATIONS ie a bedroom in peril of infiltration by brothers, cousins, other siblings, parents, and even enemy spies ...

So it seems I have a bit of SPI:KE work to do. Let me remind you how to spy-proof your room, dudes and dudettes. To the Nosy Ones, it will look as though you're cleaning. If that will be too big a shockety-shock for the old people in your life, tell them you've lost something and you are fully intending to leave all the mess on the floor. Then they'll make you do it anyway ... And only you will know that you are protecting yourself from enemy spy activities! Crikey, that thought is so brilliant I am in need a lie down and a doughnut or two.

Anyway Shmanyway, spy-proofing:

MIRROR - lick your finger and leave a track across the mirror with it. It should disappear unless your mirror is yuck with dirt. Then breathe on it. The track should reappear. This is useful for three things - one, if someone unwanted has been in your room you''ll be able to see if the saliva track is visible; two, you can leave an invisible message for another spylet to pick up; and three, you can see if your mirror is dirty and needs a proper cleaning.

FINGERPRINTS - sprinkle talcum powder on any shiny hard surface in your room if you suspect someone's touched something. Their fingerprints can then be lifted off with sticky tape which you put on dark paper so you can see them properly. And keep a record of your own fingerprints then you'll know if they are somebody else's. Cunning, eh?

USE YOUR PENCIL - draw a faint line down a stack of books, and then you'll know if someone's moved it. Do the same with your drawers - COME ON, SPYLETS! It's not as if you ever close them properly, is it?!! You can use this trick to note the position of anything in the room, only don't try it on the cat. If it's anything like Trouble, he'll just go and move and muck everything up.


Oh, Jumping Janeys, I've forgotten it. What was it? Need some sugar for my brain power ... sugar ... sugary sugar ...

Oh darn. Well, here's an idea, Spylets. This enemy spy who calls herself Jill Marshall has been stealing all my ideas and tales of SPI life and writing about my own Zany Janey. I bet she noted down what the last spy-proofing trick was ... in fact ... yes, yes she did ... in Jane Blonde: Twice the Spylet.

If you find it, my spiffly young spies, let me know, will you? And you can keep the other spylets informed at the same time.

Off to De-Wow. Oh Yeah. Come on, say it with me:

De-code, de-brief, de-wow. Oh yeah.
De-code, de-brief, de-wow. Oh yeah!


G-Mamma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx